Dear Palestine: I am sorry.

3 min readJun 13, 2024


Photo by Ahmed Abu Hameeda on Unsplash

I am sorry.
For being helpless, for being weak, for being unable to do anything.
I am sorry that the world is so cruel and that people are so heartless.
I am sorry that you have to suffer so much, yet everyone turns a blind eye.

Dear Palestine: I am sorry that you have to see your parents, your children, your wife, your husband, your siblings, your friends, and your neighbors die in front of you.
I am sorry that we did not try to save you, and even if we did, it was not hard enough.
I will carry the survivor’s guilt throughout my life.

Dear Palestine: The universe owes you.
You have the right to exist like everyone else in this world.
You have the right to breathe freely, like everyone else in the world.
You have the right to happiness, like everyone else in the world.
You have the right to raise children, like everyone else in the world.
You have the right to eat good food, like everyone else in the world.
You have the right to wake up to the sound of birds and not bombs, like everyone else in the world.

Dear Children of Palestine: We love you. And we are sorry.
We are sorry that we are unable to protect you.
We are sorry that you don’t get to live your childhood like other children.
We are sorry that you have to witness your parents, grandparents, friends, and siblings die in front of you.
We are sorry that your playgrounds are filled with rubble instead of laughter.
We are sorry that you have to grow up too fast, your innocence stolen by war.
We are sorry that your dreams are interrupted by nightmares, and your days are shadowed by fear.

Dear Mothers of Palestine: We love you. And we are sorry.
We are sorry that you have to bury your kids with your own hands.
We are sorry that you are unable to feed your children.
We are sorry that you are unable to take care of your family.
We are sorry for the sleepless nights you endure, the endless tears you shed, and the constant worry that haunts you.
We are sorry that your strength is tested every day in unimaginable ways.
We are sorry that you have to find courage in the darkest of times, and that your resilience is met with more hardship.

Dear Fathers of Palestine. We love you. And we are sorry.
We are sorry that you have to bear the unbearable weight of losing your children, your partners, and your loved ones.
We are sorry that you have to stand strong amidst the chaos, providing hope and support while your own heart is breaking.
We are sorry that you have to witness the destruction of your homes and livelihoods, and yet find the strength to rebuild over and over again.
We are sorry that your courage and resilience are constantly tested by relentless hardship.
We are sorry that you have to shield your families from the horrors of war while yearning for peace and safety.
Your strength and perseverance inspire us all, and we are profoundly sorry that the world has failed you.

Dear Palestine. I have never seen more braver souls than you.
Witnessing the deaths of family, friends, and neighbors, and the destruction of home, business, livelihood, and memories can make anyone lose hope and turn them hateful, but not you.
Amidst all this destruction, you are thankful to your God.
You are thankful for whatever small help comes your way.
You are thankful for whatever small ray of hope you see.

Palestine has always felt like home to me.
I have grown up hearing stories about Palestine from my grandparents, parents, and relatives.
And the cause of freedom has always been close to my heart.
Your spirit of resistance, display of bravery, and strong faith have given hope to millions like me.
You have taught us how to live life.

I have cried days and nights for you. I have kept you in all my prayers. You have turned me into a good human. You have turned me into a person who will maybe never, ever complain and will be thankful for whatever he has. I have been wanting Palestine to be free, but all this time, it is Palestine that has set me free.

Long live the resistance! Free Palestine.




I don’t write as much as I read. Passionate about Data Science and Machine Learning. Loves teaching.