
4 min readAug 7, 2022


Photo by Gerhard Reus on Unsplash

The world had started returning to normalcy from Coronavirus’s depredation, little knowing that the apocalypse was quietly watching it from the sidelines only to pessundate it ruthlessly this time. The seventh wave of the Corona outbreak has arrived and it is more deadly than the six before it. It looks like the virus inveigled the population into developing hubris and becoming too casual to finally attempt its deadly putsch. Schools, universities, and corporate offices have been shut down and a worldwide complete lockdown has been imposed to curb the spread of the virus. But it doesn’t seem to be useful this time. It is estimated that two-thirds of the entire world’s population has perished as a result of this deadly seventh wave in a mere one month of the advent of the wave, and the remaining one-third is quietly waiting for its turn.

The new mutated version of Coronavirus, Omega Plus seems to be incurable and is spreading exponentially. People are dropping dead like flies. The vaccines are no more working, and those not dying of the virus are dying of hunger. With so much panic and fear, people are incapacitated to help each other. The dead bodies are lying on the streets being eaten by dogs and birds. Half burnt bodies are lying in crematoriums. It looks like an ostentatious display of apocalypse and people, having nowhere to go, are quietly watching the end of times unfold right in front of their eyes.

While the situation on Earth was indeed apocalyptic, the state of affairs in the above heaven was not well either. Far away in the deep corner of Qaydum, the third Heaven, a young man in his shiny black robe holding a rusty scythe was staring into the abyss and looking extremely worried. He has been very quiet for the past few days and that made the little Angels around him suspect that something was not right with him. They have always seen him flarnecking his swagger, but this has not been the case recently. They wanted to inquire but he was not the most friendly of all angels and no one would dare ask him the reason for his feeling of melancholia. He went by the name of Archangel Azrael but the one he liked the most was Grim Repear or simply, The Death.

Aaron who was a high priest in Qaydum went to Grim to check for the reason for his recent perturbation.

“Hey Grim, thou seemeth ov’rly disconsolate these days? Is th’re aught which is w’rrying thee?”

“Yes, Aaron. The situation on Earth has perturbed me. And that makes me very worried about my existence.”

“Yes, Earth is going through its worse times since the Cretaceous extinction millions of years ago. It’s all a part of the plan of God. But how does it impact your existence? You should be overwhelmed by all these deaths. After all, your job is to bring souls back to heaven and we are seeing millions of them coming to heaven.”

“This is what concerns me, Aaron. My job is to put humans to death. But at the rate of these deaths, there will soon be no humans left on Earth. And then, I will be useless to God. Maybe that would mean the death of me, too.”

“You cannot be too sure of that. God will surely have something else planned for you, Grim. You shouldn’t be worried.”

Aaron patted Grim’s shoulder and left. But this was not enough to ease the burden on Grim who was now thinking of more radical ways to prevent the apocalypse on Earth. He decided to go down to Earth and protect humans. If he can save the extinction of the human race, he might just be able to save his own death. But he wanted to keep it discreet. If the other angels would come to know about this, they would not let him go against the word of God.

Grim called upon Rahab, Samael, and Sariel, his subordinates for a quick rendezvous. After explaining to them his plan to prevent the apocalypse on Earth, his subordinates gave him a circumbendibus acceptance, fearing that anything they do will be against the plan of God. But they were also too pusillanimous in influence to go against the word of Azrael.

The four of them reached Earth. Azrael did not have the power to personify as a human, so he remained invisible and hidden but his presence could be felt by the Humans. The other three, however, were personified as Medical Staff. They divided the planet into 4 parts, each of which took up one part. The three Angels started giving help to humans in the form of medicines, oxygen, and food. The Angels from Heaven soon cleaved into four hundred thousand. They took over health and community centers and accelerated the process of saving humans from the virus.

The death rate soon started to slow down. People started recovering and as they recovered they joined the army of four hundred thousand angels led by Azrael to save more and more. Four Hundred Thousand soon became four million and Earth started the healing process. The God from Heaven was quietly watching how his favorite Angel, the Angel of Death, is saving lives on Earth. It was difficult for other Angels in Heaven to figure out how God was going to react. They were terrified of the outcome, whatever it was.

Meanwhile, Azrael’s presence on Earth could now be felt by all Humans. He could not be seen or heard by anyone. It was just a feeling of simply being alive by God’s grace. People soon started calling the Angel of Death, Life on Earth. It was the death that brought them back to life only to take them away someday.




I don’t write as much as I read. Passionate about Data Science and Machine Learning. Loves teaching.